Friday, July 17, 2009

Mission Statment of Blog:I want to defind what I belive

In everyone's life there come a point where they have to define their beliefs and challenge them. I have wondered for a long time if my arguments are logical or not. I hope to use this blog to form all the different books and literature, and conversations I have had into a coherent working philosophy that can be shared. I want to discuss every issues and form a platform that is best for America and its people. If you choose to respond to what i say then please use coherent thought. I am willing to look at information from the fringes of the Internet, but nothing from left or right will be considered as fact on this blog with out a really good argument that can not be beaten. The associated press will be considered to be a worth wild source. If you do find one of my ideas can not be back up by numbers or common sense I expect to be called on it. Welcome to the beginning of "My Beliefs in Flux, Government encouraged Capitalism.

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